(+1) 917 741 2003
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Responsable CYNARA EU, S.L.U
Finalidad Recogida y tratamiento de sus datos para atender sus consultas y facilitarle información periódicamente sobre nuestros productos y servicios que pueden ser de su interés y/o preferencia por medios electrónicos actuales o futuros, siempre que nos autorice a su tratamiento.
Legitimación Interés legítimo del tratamiento por parte del responsable para mantener la relación /servicios con clientes y/o posibles clientes. Consentimiento inequívoco y específico otorgado por el propio interesado
Destinatarios No se cederán datos a terceros, salvo obligación legal.
Derechos Acceder, rectificar y suprimir los datos, así como otros derechos como se explica en la +info adicional RGPDUE
Información adicional Puede consultar la información adicional y detallada sobre protección de datos en nuestra página web: www.cynara.net
Autorizo al tratamiento de mis datos para poder recibir información por medios electrónicos
He leído y acepto la cláusula de Información sobre Protección de Datos
CUSTOMER SERVICE: (+1) 917 741 2003
I authorize the use of my personal data in order to receive information by electronic means
I have read and accept the information clause on Data Protection
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Controller CYNARA EU, S.L.U.
Purpose Collection and treatment of your data to answer your queries and provide you with information periodically about our products and services that may be of interest to you and / or preference by current or future electronic means, provided that you authorize us to process them.
Legitimation Legitimate interest in the treatment by the controller to maintain the relationship / services with clients and / or potential clients. Unequivocal and specific consent given by the interested party.
Recipients No data will be transferred to third parties, except legal obligation.
Rights Access, rectify and delete the data, as well as other rights as explained in the +info additional GDPR
Additional Information You can consult additional and detailed information on data protection on our website: www.cynara.net
I authorize the processing of my data to receive information by electronic means.
I have read and I accept the Data Protection Information clause.
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Purpose Sending information / newsletters periodically about news, products and / or services that may be of interest and / or preference to you by current or future electronic means, provided that you authorize us to process it.
Legitimation Legitimate interest of the treatment on the part of the person in charge to attend his request for updated reception of information and other novelties.
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