Brunch… or the risk of losing sight of the heart

So you find yourself in those times where you look at Sunday in the face of circumstances or are asking yourself why you don’t think more before speaking… before speaking in those moments when you meet friends or family who you have not seen for a long time and think that a meal with them will be a good idea. So much that you even invite them to your house. 

And there it is, Sunday brunch at your house. With dessert…

… and suddenly you imagine yourself in front of the stove, trying to save the eggs benedict while you mix the dough for the pancakes and finish frosting the cake. And your friends, meanwhile, are fixing the world in the garden…

Focus. Breathe and do not lose sight of the heart. Remember the desire you had to see them, the laughter, the children playing and how much you love each other. Visualize the dances, the stories and think about what’s really important.

Yes, smile, we have thought of some Cynara’s Recommendations On How To Be Stress-Free While Doing Good Intentions 

  1. Menu. First of all, your guests are your friends. Or your family! Think of the menu, find the recipes, make a list and go shopping. But, please, don’t risk your Michelin star… What your guests really want is to enjoy the day with you, and your company… they don’t care if they have baked lamb or tomato bread, listen to us. Think of a menu that you can master and that you enjoy making. If a three-year-old boy eats tuna tartar, that’s very cool but…is that going to happen? Macaroni and cheese is simple and they will thank you millions. 

  2. That said, a brunch? Are you sure? Although it is very fashionable and is the latest on Instagram. If organizing a meal is already complicated, it is not necessary to do it sooner and with unusual recipes. Although the food looks super delicious on social media every Sunday at about 1pm…

  3. Decoration. If you are one of the clumsy ones who break an array of glasses, don’t worry… don’t put plastic cups, but you don’t need to take out the wedding glassware either.
    A clean tableware, a nice tablecloth and some flowers are enough for a pleasant atmosphere. And a list of music to everyone’s liking will put the icing on the cake (thanks Spotify!!!!).
    To avoid nerves, check the day before that you are not missing anything… although what a joy to be able to say that you are missing chairs!!!! out loud when you are eating more and more. 

  4. Sorry, but you have a dishwasher, right???

  5. You know what? Invite them a thousand times. Remember that the most important thing is to enjoy life. Together. Know how to take advantage of each moment and have the ability to live them, with all your heart.

    Invite your friends to your kitchen. Let’s open a jar of artichokes and let’s dance. Because kitchens are made for dancing.
    And, to make it easier for you, you can check out our Cynara’s recipes on our website. Enjoy!
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