Tips to Remove Stains

There are many types of stains that we can end up getting on our hands and clothing, some very difficult to remove if we do not use a specific product or rub it insistently. There are homemade anti-stain tricks that will help us remove some stubborn stains.  

Tricks against stains on the hands

  • Artichokes: At Cynara, we know well that when cutting or peeling, gloves should be used and not only for hygiene, but because this way you avoid ending up with “blackened” hands due to the oxidation of the artichoke. Anyway, don’t panic, if you haven’t been cautious and find your fingers stained black, try rubbing your hands with half a lemon. You will see how soon they disappear.
  • Beetroot: The same as in the previous case, but with the lemon juice directly on the skin. Try to do it over the sink to avoid dirtying anything. Repeat as many times as necessary.
  • Carrots: Mix lemon juice with vinegar in equal parts and wash with the mixture. Soon it will disappear. You can also rub yourself with a piece of tomato.

Tricks against stains on clothes

  • Artichokes: Curiously, the system is very similar to the one described above for the hands. In this case, apply a little lemon juice on top of the garment and then wash it normally. 
  • Vegetable purees: This type of staining is quite common in children, so when half the plate ends on your clothes, wash it by hand and put it to dry in the sun for a few hours.
  • Fruit juice: Dip the clothes with this type of stain in milk as hot as possible and then wash them as usual. If there are remains, remove them by rubbing the garment with glycerin, leave it to work for 15 minutes and then rinse with warm water.
  • Spinach: Rub these spots with half a raw potato, wash with soap and rinse with plenty of warm water.
  • Tomato: With stains of this type, the immediacy with which the stain is cleaned is very important. Remove the most cumbersome remains first with a paper napkin. Then put the garment in very cold water with detergent.

    If you aren’t able to treat the stain at the moment it happened and find dry spots, mix a little water with vinegar (better if it is white), leave it to act and wash it normally.
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