picnic saludable con alcachofas

5 easy ideas for a healthy picnic: Artichokes to go

Why does eating out have to be tied to fast food? When we go to the beach or the
pool in summer, we get used to not complicating our lives and filling our coolers
with meals that are already prepared and normally come loaded with sauces, sugars
and additives.

One time doesn’t do anything, right? However, since we like to enjoy summer, we
want to give you more reasons to leave the house while keeping you healthy inside
and out.

Benefits of being an artichoke lover

Taking some time to prepare healthy meals for your picnics is worth it for several
reasons that will not only sound good to you but will make you feel good. Do you
want to know why?

  • Reduces stress and improves your mood. Surely you have felt more vulnerable when hungry. Your body also gets upset when it wants the foods you like!
  • Keeps your skin healthy. Protecting our skin from the sun’s rays is important, but we should not only take care of it with sunscreen, but we should also pamper it from the inside, maintaining the nutrients it needs and adequate hydration.
  • It avoids improvising if you go with children. Most times, adults can improvise and eat anywhere, adapting to the situation; however, for the little ones, this is more complicated, and we can’t just give them anything. Planning your healthy picnic menu in advance will help you avoid surprises.
  • Maintains your weight. Of course, one of the main benefits of eating healthy is that it helps you stay fit.
  • It’s eco-friendly. By bringing food prepared at home, you tend to use less plastic. You can store salads and dishes in reusable containers or glass jars.

4 ideas for a healthy picnic

Start preparing your backpack with everything you need because we have the food covered. Write down these tips!

  • Salads. To keep your salads fresh, place the ingredients in a particular order. Put the leaves underneath and make several cuts so you can eat them more easily. If you don’t want everything to get soggy, put the wet ingredients on top or even cut and add them just before eating your salad and store them in an airtight glass jar. We have a ton on our website if you want ideas about artichoke salad recipes; Download the Cynara cookbook!
  • Healthy snacks. It’s very common to get tempted by fried food when we are out and about, but there is no reason to jump into the mud if you don’t feel like it. A good alternative is Cynara Artichoke Chyps, which are ready to be enjoyed wherever you are.
  • Healthy lunch. Forget sauces, mayonnaise, etc. Instead, use olive oil or some natural vinaigrette, a very fresh dressing is ideal for your summer recipes.
  • Healthy desserts. After lunch, enjoy a healthy snack. You can’t go wrong with fresh fruit; some of the sweetest is cantaloupe or watermelon, which contains a high percentage of water and will not give you a feeling of heaviness.

Don’t forget to collect everything when you finish your picnic. It’s just as important to enjoy our adventures as taking care of our favorite places. See you soon, artichoke lovers!

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