5 easy ideas for a healthy picnic: Artichokes to go

picnic saludable con alcachofas

Why does eating out have to be tied to fast food? When we go to the beach or the pool in summer, we get used to not complicating our lives and filling our coolers with meals that are already prepared and normally come loaded with sauces, sugars and additives. One time doesn’t do anything, right? […]

Wild artichokes; medicinal plants?

Alcachofas silvestres

Who loves you and who cares for you like Cynara? Grandmothers and mothers are wise and more when there are studies that support them. In our mission to give you the best of the best, we have gone from explorers to investigate to the last hidden place, and we have discovered the wildest artichoke of […]

The Artichoke Diet: The Ultimate Guide to the Secrets of This Miraculous Diet

multitud de alcachofas para usar en una dieta de la alcachofa

Many celebrities have already joined the challenge of the artichoke diet and have obtained “miraculous results.” For this reason, we wanted to investigate this controversial topic and analyze the myths and realities of this diet and why more and more people join it. If you have come this far, you are one step away from […]

Artichokes for babies: Are they good for them? How are they prepared?

If you are already a daddy or mommy, or even if you are expecting a little one, you will want to take care of their diet and incorporate beneficial products that provide the necessary nutrients for their growth. We’ve talked about the incredible benefits that artichokes offer, so it’s only natural that many mothers and […]

What are the benefits of artichokes: Know their 10 key properties

Few know the incredible health benefits that artichokes offer. Artichokes are a vegetable that can be your best weapon to combat various health problems with their significant amount of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, etc. They also have a delicious flavor, making them the star in many dishes around the world. Read on, and don’t miss out […]

Cynara artichokes en papillote, white asparagus, black olives, citrus and blue cheese cream sauce

RECIPES Cynara artichokes en papillote, white asparagus, black olives, citrus and blue cheese cream sauce Specialties / delights 4 people 30 minutes Easy difficulty WHAT DO YOU NEED? PREPARATION WHAT DO YOU NEED? Ingredients 1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil 1 14.11 ounce jar of Cynara’s Grilled Artichoke Hearts 1 bunch white asparagus (10-12 spears) […]